Types of aquarium plants

[temporarily machine translation]

As mentioned earlier, the algae species have very much. They are distinguished by the shape, dimensions, colors and other characteristics. I’ll tell you about some of them:


A small plant with linear leaves. The colors of the plants light green and dark green colors. Unassuming to the care and quality of water. It grows at a temperature of 20-26 degrees Celsius. Lighting should be bright enough. Group plant that is necessary to put a group. It looks nice on the back of the aquarium and the average plan.

To this species belong Valisneriya spiral and Valisneriya giant, which I would like to say a few words as well.

Valisneriya spiral. Straight leaves of algae are very twisted. Their length is 70-80cm, and it is usually 40-50cm.

Valisneriya giant. This plant is characterized by a very long, linear leaves. Their length reaches more than 1m.

Cabomba spiral-leafs

The plant has a very beautiful twisted into a spiral thin needle-like leaves with a silver tint. Very whimsical water. At a temperature of less than 20 degrees Celsius plant growth slows. Lighting should be very bright. Group plant. To put it desirable in the middle of the aquarium.

Cryptocoryne Blassa

Very good plant. It has oval leaves on long stems that have very beautiful colors: olive green on top of it, and the bottom purple red. Sometimes Cryptocoryne reaches a size of about 50cm. The most favorable water temperature 24-26 degrees. The plant does not need a strong light, but with a stronger light colors algae becomes bright shades. This alga is not very fastidious. It is desirable to put in the back and middle part of the aquarium. It is believed the plant group.

Canadian Elodeya

Dark-green plant with a long stem. The most common in the world. Extremely fast it is growing and developing. It is not whimsical. It thrives at a temperature of 16-24 degrees. Lighting – bright enough. Kelp should float in the water column.

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